Crafting Your Perfect Coconut Caramel Latte at Home

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Craving a cozy beverage that blends the richness of coconut with the sweet allure of caramel? Look no further than your own kitchen! Making a decadent Coconut Caramel Latte at home is not only a cinch but also a delightful way to treat yourself to a café-worthy experience without leaving your abode.

How to Make a Coconut Caramel Latte?


  • 1 shot of espresso (or 1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee)
  • 1 cup of milk (whole milk, almond milk, or coconut milk)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut cream (I like this half and half from Califia)
  • 2 tablespoons of caramel syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut (toasted, optional, for garnish)
  • Whipped cream (optional, for topping)


Step 1: Brew The Espresso

Make a shot of espresso using an espresso machine. Alternatively, brew a strong cup of coffee using your preferred method.

Step 2: Steam or Froth The Milk

If you’re lucky enough to have an espresso machine, steam the milk using its wand. Don’t fret if you don’t have an espresso machine. You can still achieve a creamy froth using your preferred method. Heat the milk until it’s hot but not boiling, and then froth it using a milk frother, a whisk, or even a covered jar – whatever suits your kitchen arsenal.

Step 3: Mix Coconut Cream and Caramel

In a separate bowl, mix the coconut cream and caramel syrup together until well combined

Step 4: Assemble The Latte

Pour the shot of espresso or brewed coffee into a large mug. The, add the coconut caramel mixture to the coffee and stir well.

Step 5: Add the Frothed Milk

Pour the frothed milk over the coffee and coconut caramel mixture.

Step 6: Garnish

Top the latte with whipped cream if desired.  Sprinkle toasted shredded coconut on top for an extra touch of flavor and texture.

Step 7: Sip, Savor, Repeat

With your Coconut Caramel Latte complete, take a moment to appreciate the warm hug in a mug you’ve just created. Sip slowly, savoring the velvety blend of coconut and caramel, and relish the satisfaction of mastering your own coffee haven.

Recipe Card

Espresso Tonic Recipe

Difficulty: Beginner Cook Time 5 mins Total Time 5 mins
Servings: 1 Calories: 50
Best Season: Summer



  1. Prepare Your Espresso

    Start with a high-quality espresso. Whether you have an espresso machine, portable espresso maker, Moka Pot, or even a French press, ensure your coffee is rich and flavorful.

  2. Gather Your Tools

    Assemble a highball glass, ice cubes, and your preferred tonic water. Fever-Tree is a popular choice for its fresh and bubbly qualities.

  3. Build Your Espresso Tonic

    Fill the glass with ice cubes and pour the tonic water over the ice. Top it off with a chilled double shot of espresso.

  4. Garnish Creatively

    Express the glass with a citrus wedge – lemon or orange – to add a burst of flavor. Feel free to get creative with your garnish choices.

  5. Sip and Enjoy

    Your Espresso Tonic is ready to be savored. Stirring is optional, and you can use a straw for that finishing touch.

There you have it – a foolproof guide to crafting a Coconut Caramel Latte that rivals your favorite café’s specialty. Now, whenever the craving strikes, your kitchen holds the key to an indulgent retreat. Cheers to the cozy comforts of home and the joy of a perfectly crafted latte!

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