The Ultimate Coffee Glossary: 100+ Coffee Terms


Affogato: A dessert-style coffee where a shot of hot espresso is poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Aeropress: A brewing device that uses air pressure to extract coffee.

Arabica: A type of coffee bean known for its mild flavor and higher acidity.

Americano: A coffee drink made by diluting espresso with hot water.

Aroma: The distinctive fragrance of brewed coffee, influenced by the coffee’s origin, roast, and brewing method.


Barista: A skilled coffee maker or coffee shop employee.

Batch Brew: A method of brewing large quantities of coffee at once.

Bean-to-Cup: Coffee machines that grind coffee beans and brew coffee in a single process.

Brew Time: The duration it takes to extract coffee during the brewing process, influencing flavor and strength.

Blade Grinder: A type of coffee grinder that uses spinning blades to chop coffee beans; less consistent than burr grinders.

Body: The perceived thickness or heaviness of coffee on the palate, often described as light, medium, or full-bodied.

Burr Grinder: A coffee grinder that crushes coffee beans between two abrasive surfaces, providing a more uniform grind.

Bloom: The initial release of gas from freshly roasted coffee when hot water is poured over it, occurring during the brewing process.


Café au Lait: Coffee mixed with an equal amount of steamed milk.

Cappuccino: Espresso with equal parts of steamed milk and foam.

Chemex: A pour-over coffee maker with a distinctive hourglass shape.

Cold Brew: Coffee brewed with cold water over an extended period.

Cupping: The professional practice of observing and evaluating the flavors and aromas of coffee.

Crema: The golden-brown layer of foam that forms on top of a well-extracted shot of espresso.


Demitasse: A small cup used for serving espresso.

Drip Coffee: Coffee made by dripping boiling water over ground coffee, typically using a paper or metal filter.

Decaffeinated: Coffee from which most of the caffeine has been removed.

Doppio: Italian for “double”; a double shot of espresso.

Direct Trade: A coffee sourcing model where roasters buy directly from coffee producers, bypassing traditional importers.

Distribution: The even leveling and spreading of coffee grounds in the portafilter before tamping.

Doser: A device on a coffee grinder that dispenses a set amount of ground coffee with each use.


Espresso: A strong, concentrated coffee made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans.

Extraction: The process of dissolving coffee solubles from coffee grounds with hot water.

Elevations: The altitude at which coffee is grown, influencing its flavor profile.

Estate Coffee: Coffee produced on a single farm or estate, often highlighting unique characteristics.


Flat White: Espresso with microfoam, similar to a latte but with less foam.

French Press: A cylindrical glass or metal container with a plunger used for brewing coffee.

Flavor Profile: The unique combination of tastes and aromas in a particular coffee.

Fair Trade: A certification ensuring that coffee is traded ethically, providing fair prices to farmers and promoting sustainability.

Frother: A device used to froth or foam milk for drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.


Grinder: Equipment used to grind coffee beans to the desired consistency.

Green Coffee: Unroasted coffee beans.

Group Head: The part of an espresso machine where water comes into contact with coffee grounds.

Gicleur: A small nozzle that controls the flow of water in an espresso machine.

Gourmet Coffee: High-quality coffee, often associated with specialty or premium beans.


Hario V60: A popular pour-over coffee maker with a cone-shaped dripper.

Harvesting: The process of collecting ripe coffee cherries from coffee plants.

Heat Exchanger: A component in some espresso machines that separates water for brewing and steaming.

Hydration: The process of wetting coffee grounds evenly during brewing to ensure proper extraction.

Honey Process: A coffee processing method where some of the mucilage is left on the beans during drying, enhancing sweetness.


Iced Coffee: Coffee served over ice, either brewed hot and cooled or cold-brewed.

Immersion Brewer: Brewing methods where coffee grounds are fully immersed in water, like French press or Aeropress.

Infusion: The process of extracting flavors from coffee grounds by steeping them in water.

In-House Roasting: Roasting coffee beans on-site at a coffee shop or establishment.

Instant Coffee: Coffee that is pre-brewed and dehydrated, dissolving in hot water for a quick cup.


Java: Slang term for coffee, also used to describe coffee from the island of Java.

Japanese Iced Coffee: A method where hot water is poured over coffee grounds directly onto ice, rapidly cooling and preserving the flavors.

Jute Bag: A traditional material used for transporting green coffee beans.


Kettle: A vessel used for heating and pouring water, essential for various brewing methods.

Kopi Tubruk: A traditional Indonesian coffee preparation where coarse coffee grounds are boiled with a solid lump of sugar.

Kona Coffee: Coffee grown on the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, known for its smooth flavor.


Latte: Espresso with steamed milk and a small amount of foam.

Lungo: An espresso shot made with more water, resulting in a longer extraction.

Lido: A hand grinder brand known for its high-quality burr grinders.

Liberica: A variety of coffee beans known for their unique, fruity flavor, primarily grown in West Africa.


Macchiato: Espresso with a small amount of milk or foam.

Mazzer: A brand of coffee grinder known for its high quality.

Melitta: A German brand known for coffee filters and pour-over coffee makers.

Microfoam: Steamed milk with fine, velvety bubbles, essential for latte art.

Mocha: A chocolate-flavored coffee drink often made with espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup.


Nespresso: A brand of coffee machines that use proprietary coffee capsules.

Nitro Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee infused with nitrogen for a creamy texture.

Nordic Roast: A lighter roast style common in Scandinavian coffee culture.

Niche Grinder: A specialized coffee grinder known for its focus on grind quality.


Organic Coffee: Coffee grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.

Origin: The specific geographic location where coffee beans are grown, influencing their flavor.

Oxygen Absorber: A packet added to coffee packaging to reduce oxidation and preserve freshness.

Over-Extraction: Extracting too much from coffee grounds, resulting in a bitter taste.


Percolator: An old-fashioned coffee maker that brews coffee by cycling boiling water through coffee grounds.

Portafilter: The handle and spouted filter basket on an espresso machine.

Pour-Over: A method of brewing coffee by pouring hot water over coffee grounds.

Profile Roasting: Adjusting the roast profile to highlight specific flavors in the coffee.

Puck: The compressed coffee grounds remaining in the portafilter after brewing espresso.


Quakers: Defective coffee beans that fail to roast properly, often resulting in a sour taste.


Ristretto: An espresso shot made with less water, resulting in a shorter extraction.

Roast Profile: The specific way in which coffee beans are roasted, influencing flavor and aroma.

Robusta: A type of coffee bean known for its strong, bitter flavor and higher caffeine content.

Ratio: The proportion of coffee grounds to water used in brewing.


Scale: A device used to measure coffee grounds, water, and other ingredients accurately.

Single Origin: Coffee beans from a specific geographic location, highlighting unique flavor profiles.

Siphon: A brewing device that uses a vacuum to pull water through coffee grounds.

Specialty Coffee: Coffee that meets specific quality standards, often emphasizing unique flavors.


Tamper: A tool used to evenly compress coffee grounds in the portafilter.

Tamping: The process of compressing coffee grounds in the portafilter before brewing.

Turkish Coffee: Finely ground coffee brewed with water and sugar in a special pot called a cezve.

Thermocouple: A device used to measure the temperature of coffee during brewing.


Under-Extraction: When coffee is not fully extracted, resulting in a sour or underdeveloped taste.


Vacuum Pot: A brewing device that uses vacuum pressure to brew coffee.

Vienna Roast: A medium-dark roast with a slightly oily surface.

V60: A popular pour-over coffee maker developed by Hario.


Water-to-Coffee Ratio: The proportion of water to coffee grounds, crucial for brewing consistency.

Washed Coffee: Coffee beans processed to remove the fruit pulp before drying.

Wet Process: A method of processing coffee where the fruit is removed before drying the beans.


Xanthine: A compound found in coffee beans, responsible for the stimulant effect of caffeine.


Yirgacheffe: A region in Ethiopia known for producing high-quality Arabica coffee beans.

Yellowing: The yellow discoloration of coffee beans during the drying process.

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